Website development process- Complete guide

website development process

Web development is being widely spread among the people in recent years. Many people are now accessing the internet for all their needs, leading web development to a great scope.

For a web development project to be successful it's crucial to follow up web development process during the entire lifetime of the project. The project may be large or small. But it doesn’t vary in building the website. A website is to be developed in a user friendly manner. An efficient website created by the developers is done with proper planning from the very initial stage of the project. This will improve the technical performance and optimize the website for the search engine to make conversions.

The website development agency develop the website with following steps

  1. Information gathering

  2. You might be thinking what are the requirements in making a typical website. The base step to build a website starts from here. This step is probably the crucial step in developing a website because you have to construct a base to start and develop a website. The important part is that you have to gather all the information from the client, their necessities, their requirements, what they expect from you, what are the key features they want to concentrate on, along with the benefit they will get. Mainly have to discuss the cost to develop a website and the time limit with the language to be used.

  3. Planning

  4. Once all the information and requirements are collected you can start creating sitemaps for having a user-friendly website with a structure of the whole site and wireframe which is to show visual description of the site. It includes login, admin, live chat etc.

  5. Design

  6. The success of the online website created depends on the web design. Each design is made according to the purpose of the business for which website is being built to focus the target audience. An efficient design makes the website stand unique within the others giving a great impression among the users. It includes theme, color, images and videos etc. Development

  7. Development

  8. After completing the designing process it comes to development. At that time developers take the incharge to make the site more interactive. They use various languages to develop the website. They use the trending and simplest languages that suit the project. The work done by designers is translated by backend developers to a CMS for web managers and then to editors to manage the forward works. Web development continues even if all the other works are completed. Backend developers will collaborate with your internal IT team during the website construction process to link any required data sources to the site for proper integration with website functionalities.

  9. Quality assurance

  10. At the time of development and after that the team focuses on quality assurance. The testers of the web development companies make a checklist for analysis to confirm that the site meets or exceeds all the requirements. Both sides need the QA testers, companies need testers to check all technical perspectives and clients need QA for checking whether they have received all the requirements they needed. Any issues discovered during testing should be solved before completing the project.

  11. Launch

  12. If all the requirements in building such as designing and developing, registering the domain name and hosting, and testing is done then it is ready to launch. Uploading files should be done with care to not lose anything in the website while launching.To ensure the site is technically solid, your development team will normally go through a technical checklist. Your team, the development team, an internal IT team (if relevant), the SEO team, and the analytics team should all agree on a launch date. For the transfer to go well and to troubleshoot if necessary, all teams must be prepared and waiting for launch.

  13. Maitanance

  14. Once both the side company and the client is happy with the website then it is ready to deliver. The site should be fully functional. Even after the delivery of the website the company has the responsibility to check the website and update the needs with their customers' permission. User testing can be done and thus it can lead to new updates in development and designs. Keeping the website up to date is very much important. Using a CMS will decrease security checks and prevent bugs.
