Publishers have good news: WordPress VIP acquiring content analytics company

The company builds up to three products: Reader, Publisher Platform, and the latest Dash, which is an analytics tool for large publishers. WordPress VIP is aimed to boost customers getting access to know how content works well in social media. Automattic Inc is the head of WordPress VIP who is the parent of Tumbler and Longrades. The platform wordpress is well used to publish and review the content and articles online. The customers of WordPress VIP can get access to data analytics from and the customers of can check how many people viewed their content.

What is WordPress VIP?

WordPress VIP is a highly managed wordpress hosting platform for big enterprise and large websites. This is the fastest and most secure platform which is hassle free that you can buy. It has strict coding and processes having huge costs where small companies can’t buy it. Some companies who use this platform are Facebook, Venture Beat, Spotify etc.

Benefits of using in wordpress.VIP?

  • is easy to use
  • Easy to implement
  • High visual
  • You get answers faster than Google Analytics
  • Show better performance
  • It is real time analytics

How can you integrate with a wordpress plugin? helps to understand publishers and their audience reacting to their content. Using the powerful dashboard and API’s customers can build best digital strategies that allow growing loyal customers.

  • Download the plugin
  • To your /wp-content/plugins directory upload full wp-parsely folder
  • Activate plugin in your wordpress dashboard
  • Set your Domain name and save the changes
  • The features of is automatically insert all the page tag and javaScript on your published post and pages
  • It allows you to specify javascript implementation

Features of WordPress VIP

  • Automating hourly backups
  • Best security and proactive scanning
  • Automatic updates
  • Custom code and third party review process
  • Best performance monitoring
  • Automatic scaling
  • Best wordpress security

YWordPress and are already working well together, now the plan is to make WPVIP features integrated to customers, also making more data available to WPVIP publishers. Both wordpress VIP and started working more deeply on content marketing and beyond. The owners of both companies added that doing normal measuring of page views and time on site and go deeply thinking ideas from a marketers point of you. Kamdar added that From the culture and people to the product, market and vision, we’re in lockstep to create more value for our customers. As a web development company , there will be so many leads and traffics where you will get from posts and blogs. There will be publishers who focus on these traffics they can well use this

First Backup your plugin, themes, files and media uploads

There are numbers of files you need to backup. But you don’t need to save them all. Core wordpress file can be re-downloaded. For backup you need

Digital publisher’s point of view

Digital publishers focus on external sources like social shares and search platforms and links from other websites to reach their content to more customers. This is done for getting their incoming traffic. This is so important for them to be updated and aware of industry new trends and changes in traffic.

A wordpress development company can focus on this very well because has 30 different built-in metrics that are designed for real-time status about your website content. This helps wordpress websites to perform well according to customer choice. The viewers will enjoy the post and like your website well. Tracking data by sites by date and traffic leads to help publishers to know about their customers and visitors.

Bottom line

Both WPVIP and companies have started to provide services to companies that want to publish on the open web. Publishing on the open web like Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. Publishers and content writers can well expect the big features and more options to make content striking for users.
