Python Web Development Interview Questions and Answers

Python Web Development Interview Questions

In this technical era, Python is one of the fastest-growing languages for developers, applications, and libraries. Developers frequently use machine learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), in addition to building applications and websites.

It was created by Guido Van Rossum and released within the year 1991. It was developed in the Netherlands at the National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science. At first, Python didn’t gain much appreciation compared to other programming languages but further stole the spotlight with the rise of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

Here are some tritely asked interview questions and answers you need to prepare relating to Python.

1. What is Python? What are the main features of Python?

Python is a high-level, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language often used for building websites and software, automating tasks, and data analysis. It is a very easy to learn programming language on account of its simple and clean syntax and open-source language. This makes the work more productive.

2. Why is python used in web development?

With its flexible nature, it is widely used in web development, hardware programming, and other sorts of applications. Compared to Java or C++ coding is less in Python as the language relies on whitespace and common expressions, making it ideal for first-time learners in developing a website.

3. What are the popular python frameworks used for web development?

Python Web Frameworks are a set of modules for writing a web application in the Python Programming Language by the developers. The below-mentioned web frameworks are mostly used by the developers.


It is a fully loaded python web framework used for developing extensive web applications and websites. It offers a high-level framework that encourages exponential growth and clean and rational design. Django provides a distinct database library and inbuilt libraries like MySQL, and Oracle. Django provides a huge advantage in building sophisticated applications and its incredible flexibility makes it best to be used by large companies like Instagram, Dropbox, Spotify, and Pinterest.


Flask is a microframework used to create web applications using python programming language and also used for quick prototyping web and networking-based applications. Flask extension and Flask Security are used to integrate with flask authenticating users from social platforms.

It follows modern methods of development of web applications and takes less effort to learn development using Flask.

4. List some popular built-in data types in Python?

Built-in data types are those pre-defined by the programming language for the execution of data at ease. Data types are an essential concept in the python language. Using the Python language many data types are built. The following are the databases built by default.


These are data types that are numerical in value. Integers, float, and complex numbers are some of the numeric data values. Integers contain positive and negative whole numbers. Floating stores decimal Values. Complex numbers are stored as(A+Bj) where A is the real part, Bis imaginary part.


It stores true or false values to compare 2 Boolean values.


Set and Frozen set are 2 types of sets. Set is mutable and supports (add), (remove) operations. Frozen set is immutable that cannot be edited.

5. What is a dynamically typed language?

Python is referred to as a dynamically typed language since it doesn't reveal data type when declaring the variable. Eg: message= “hello”

Python stores this data at certain memory locations and ties up variable names to that particular memory condition. Thus, the data could be accessed through that variable name.

6. What are Python Modules?

Modules are files with python codes of the set of functions with the “.py” extension. It helps modules to shorten their large programs into small ones. A module helps in arranging python codes that make it easier to recognize and use.

These modules are stored in Lib or Lib/site-packages folder. Python Modules can be split into Built-in modules and User-defined modules. Some commonly used modules are • sys • JSON os

7. What are and comprehensions?

With existing iterable, or comprehensions make it easier to read and are also faster than for-loops. comprehension is used in transforming a new dictionary from the original. comprehensions are used in creating new lists from other iterables like strips, and tupils.

8. How do you copy an object in Python?

There isn’t an option to copy objects from the assignment statement. But it creates a bond between the target and the new object. (= operator) is used to copy objects. Copy module is used for these operations.

There are two ways to generate copies. Deep copy copies values relatively from the target object. Any changes made do not affect the original one. Shallow copy creates a new variable with reference to the original one. Any changes made affect the original one.

9. How is Python interpreted?

Python language is an interpreted language as it converts source code into intermediate language and then is translated into a machine language that is executed. This process is done by an interpreter in run time. Even though the python code could be developed so fast, it is a little slow in execution when compared to compiled languages, where the translation of languages is completed before execution.

10. How would you attain web scraping in Python?

Web Scraping is a technique of extracting information from the website and transforming those unstructured data like HTML into structured ones like XML, and CSV and are stored. Web scraping makes the work easier. There are different libraries used for web scraping and some of the popular are • BeautifulSoup Scrape Mark • Scrapy Ixml
