How to increase website speed?

How to Speed Up your Website

How fast the website is that much is the increase in conversion rate. Many websites focus on the design including animations and other visual elements which may lead to slow loading websites. When a page takes a minimum of 2 seconds, many users skip the website due to its delay in loading.

For a beginner it would be difficult to analyze what the issues are in affecting the website speed. Sometimes you may be confident in your website build with designs and elements attracting the eyes of the user, even then the delay in waiting for the website to load may be an issue for you for google. So these steps may help in improving and speed up your website.

  1. Choose a performance-optimized hosting solution.
  2. Having a good service provider takes an important part in the speed of your website. As a web development company we always choose a service provider very carefully. Any cheap hosting can result in poor performances and less results. And always a dedicated hosting is better than a shared one. Mainly do not select a hosting because of its price.

  3. Compress and optimize your images
  4. Wonder why you need to compress images. Images not only makes your website attractive and reflects in the content quality but also it will result in the loading time of your website. It takes more time for loading than HTML or CSS files. One of the easiest ways to improve your website page speed is by compressing the images, giving them alt tags, changing file formats etc. Other ways to optimize images include reducing dimensions and resolutions. There are many tools available online for compressing and reducing the resolutions.

  5. Reduce the size of html, javascript, css
  6. As we optimize the image size you can also reduce the size of your website’s html, javascript, css etc which helps in maintaining loading speed. The procedure includes activities like removing spaces, comments, characters, and similar ones to reduce the size. Cleaner code and leaner, quicker-loading web pages are the end result. Try to reduce javascript execution time by removing unused codes and compressing. Using CDN(content delivery network) helps to load js files fastly which could speed up the website. Also there are many online tools available to minify this.

  7. Enable browser caching in website
  8. This is effective in improving the page loading speed. Browsers save all information that the user searches such as images, javascript files, HTML files, CSS. So when the user searches for the same again the browser uses the cached data that is already saved. So it is not needed to reload each time they visit the page. So it is now faster to retrieve the information and give it to the user which speeds up the website.

  9. Reduce redirects
  10. Redirects are when a user gets directed to another page instead of the original page user clicked. It takes some time to load the page as it is redirected. Having too many redirects in your website will reduce the page speed of the site. There are many exceptional cases to have redirections like moving to a new domain. There are many websites to know about the number of redirects in your site. Using webmaster will show you the number of redirects currently in your websites. The removals can be removed through webmaster or either by any other tools.

  11. Conduct speed test
  12. It is good to run a speed test often to know the site performance after doing any activities to make any improvements. There are several tools with free access available to check the speed by just entering the URL of the website to be checked. Pagespeed insights of google is a trustable tool to check the speed within seconds. It shows the reasons why the website takes more login time and what are the measures to be taken to improve the speed.

  13. Gzip Compression
  14. One of the effective ways to reduce the speed is Gzip Compression. The website works slower when the database size increases, also when the cms is packed with complex plugins. Gzip is a file format and software tool that basically finds similar code strings in your text files and momentarily replaces them to reduce the size of the files.
